The ZHAW is one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. Teaching, research, continuing education and other services are both scientifically-based and practice-oriented. ZHAW graduates are able to apply their knowledge responsibly in demanding professional fields. In its work in research & development, the ZHAW concentrates on important societal challenges, with a particular focus on energy and societal integration. With locations in Winterthur, Zurich and Wädenswil, the ZHAW is firmly integrated in the local region whilst also cooperating with international partners. There are eight Schools in the University: Applied Linguistics, Applied Psychology, Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, Engineering, Health Professions, Life Sciences and Facility Management, Management and Law, and Social Work.
Prof. Dr. Alice Delorme Benites befasst sich seit vielen Jahren mit mehrsprachiger Kommunikation. In der Praxis wirkte sie als professionelle Übersetzerin und später als Post-Editorin. Sie erforscht verschiedene Aspekte der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation i…
Andreas Schweizer is Senior Lecturer, Center for Corporate Performance and Sustainable Financing, ZHAW School of Management and Law at ZHAW.
With a background in corporate banking, Andy’s professional interests lie in the interplay between the transformati…
Dank meiner Faszination für Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze, für die Kreisläufe des Lebens und für die Erdgeschichte sowie meine naturverbundenen Hobbies wie Pfadi und Reiten, fiel mir die Entscheidung für ein Studienfach leicht: Biologie.
Von 2002-2008 studierte i…
Dr. Beat Affolter is Head of the Center for Corporate Performance and Sustainable Financing, ZHAW School of Management and Law at ZHAW.
Beat has a strong background in the theory and practice of corporate finance and loves to combine this field with susta…