Béatrice Chataigner is a veterinarian and joined IUCN-Papaco in 2009. After 5 years in West Africa, she now lives in Kenya where she is, between other things, in charge of Protected Areas management effectiveness assessments, in particular of the Green Li…
Behnam Parsaeifard joined the Institute for Open, Distance and eLearning (IFeL) as a data scientist in November 2021. Prior to that, he had received his PhD in computational physics from the University of Basel and was a research intern at the Visual Inte…
Benno Volk is deputy head of LET and the head of the Curriculum & Faculty Development group. He is also in the consulting team (guidance of ETH faculty). His specialist areas are:
Dr. Bernhard Klein received his diploma degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Munich and a doctoral degree at the University of Vienna in Economic and Social Sciences. He joined the Distributed and Multimedia Systems research group a…
Bertrand Meyer, formerly from ETH Zurich, is a professor at Politecnico di Milano and Innopolis University, and Chief Architect at Eiffel Software. He is an authority in software engineering, programming languages and object-oriented programming. He is pa…
Bige Tunçer is an associate professor at Singapore University of Technology and Design. She leads the Informed Design Group, which focuses on data collection, information and knowledge modeling and visualization, for informed architectural and urban desig…
Birger Sevaldson is one of the founding members of the design research network OCEAN (www.ocean-designresearch.net).
Brian McGowan, studied history and political sciences at the University of Zurich. After working for the Swiss Confederation (Federal Office for the Equality of People with Disabilities EBGB), he headed the Equality Office for People with Disabilities of …
Bruno Lemaitre, Docteur en génétique, a effectué son travail de thèse avec Dario Coen à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris) sur la transposition de l’élément P chez la drosophile. Il a ensuite rejoint le laboratoire de Jules Hoffmann (CNRS, Strasbo…
Carine Carvalho est spécialiste des questions d’égalité, d’inclusion et de diversité au travail et dans la formation. Elle est titulaire d'une maîtrise en sciences sociales et d'un Executive Master en administration publique. Depuis 2019, elle dirige le B…
Critico letterario italiano (nato a Torino nel 1946); professore di Letteratura italiana nelle università di Ginevra (1976-82), di Padova (1982-88) e di Torino (1988-1999). Dal 2000 è professore al Collège de France, Parigi, cattedra di Letterature modern…
Carlo A. Furia is a senior researcher and lecturer in the Department of Computer Science of ETH Zurich. In his research he develops models, techniques, methods, and tools to support the analysis, rigorous development, and verification of software and syst…
Dr. Caroline Lehr leitet die Professur für Übersetzungswissenschaft am Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen der ZHAW. In ihrer Forschung befasst sie sich mit Mehrsprachigkeit und der Verwendung von Sprachtechnologien.
Catarina Wall Gago is a researcher and lecturer at the Construction and Conservation laboratory of the EPFL, ENAC School of Architecture. She is an architect (IST) and completed a PhD concerning the contemporary renovation of 19th century housing (IST-EPF…
Cécile is a teaching advisor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Originally trained as an engineer, she holds a PhD in Computer Science and she has been teaching in different engineering schools. Cécile works with EPFL teachers on inno…
Cedric Schirmer has a bachelor's degree in biotechnology from the Berliner Hochschule für Technik (Germany) and a master's degree in bioprocess engineering from the Hamburg University of Technology (Germany).
His expertise is in the field of process engi…
Prof. Dr. Cerstin Mahlow stützt sich in der Auswahl und Gestaltung der Themen auf ihre langjährige Forschung zu Schreibwerkzeugen und deren Auswirkungen auf den Schreibprozess sowie auf ihr internationales Netzwerk in den Bereichen Linguistik, Schreibproz…
Chen Zhong is a PhD candidate at the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) in Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich. She holds a master degree of Engineering in GIS from LIESMARS and a bachelor degree in spatial information and digital technology at Wuhan Uni…
Prof. Dr. Christa Stocker baut bei der Auswahl der Themen und der Herangehensweise auf ihre fachliche und didaktische Kompetenz und Erfahrung als Linguistin und Dozentin in An-gewandter Linguistik. Diese verbindet sie mit der praktischen Anwendung aus dem…