Benno Volk

Benno Volk is deputy head of LET and the head of the Curriculum & Faculty Development group. He is also in the consulting team (guidance of ETH faculty). His specialist areas are:

  • University teaching / faculty development

  • Curriculum development

  • Competence development for academic staff

  • Blended learning, mobile learning, distance education

Work experience

  • At LET since February 2012

  • Doctorate in 2011 from TU Dresden on the theme of 'Kompetenzorientierte Personalentwicklung fur das akademische Lehrpersonal als Grundlage fur innovative Hochschullehre' [competence-oriented personnel development for academic staff as the basis for innovative university teaching].

  • 2010-2012: Head of 'IT further and continuing education' at the University of Zurich

  • 2007-2010: Deputy head of the 'E-Learning Center' of the University of Zurich

  • Earlier: Academic staff member at the universities of Potsdam and Heidelberg

  • Many years' experience as an online trainer and tele-tutor, university instructor and continuing education course leader

ETH Zurich

Freedom and individual responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit and open-mindedness: ETH Zurich stands on a bedrock of true Swiss values. Our university for science and technology dates back to the year 1855, when the founders of modern-day Switzerland crea…

65 instructors