Paul Ouédraogo

Burkinabe, Paul Ouédraogo has a broad knowledge of environmental issues and has good experience in protected area and forest management and wetland conservation. Field scientist, teacher, and practitioner he worked for several years at the National Center for Scientific and Technological Research (CNRST) in Burkina Faso, and at the University of Ouagadougou (ENSK). He was the Executive Director of Naturama, a national NGO in the late 1990s. Following this, he became the Principal Technical Adviser of the IUCN/PEGEI Project at the National Center for the Management of Wildlife Reserves (CENAGREF) in Benin. From 2005 to 2007, he served as IUCN Coordinating Consultant for the Wildlife Corridor Component between Burkina Faso and Ghana for the Wildlife Project entitled "Northern Savanna Biodiversity Conservation Project - GEF P067685-LEN-BBGEF" Division of Ghana. In 2007, Dr Ouédraogo became the Senior Technical Adviser of the Integrated Management of Critical Ecosystems Project (IMCE GEF P070700) in Rwanda. With technical support, the Rwandan government has developed legal instruments, technical, and institutional tools for Rwandan wetland governance. Dr. Ouédraogo teaches at the University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), the Senghor University of Alexandria (Egypt), and the Graduate Institute of Geneva (Switzerland). He is a member of the EAA Technical Advisory Committee, a member of the Tiger Initiative Steering Committee of the European Space Agency, and a member of the Steering Committee of the UNEP Global Wastewater Initiative. Paul Ouédraogo is currently the Principal Adviser for Africa at the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention in Switzerland.

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