Computer Science
Learn MATLAB and Octave and start experimenting with matrix manipulations, data visualizations, functions and mathematical computations.

Course Details

Language English
Duration 4 week
Effort 6 hour/week

The course you are about to follow is an introduction to à Octave and MATLAB®. Both of these softwares follow the same structure, it is therefore obvious to present them together. This course is aimed at beginners, it began as an introduction to MATLAB for second year students at EPFL following a numerical analysis course.

What you will learn

  • Work with vectors and matrices

  • Process text files containing data

  • Manipulation of plots and figures and saving them to pdf or jpg

  • Using scripts and functions

  • Writing of small interactive programs

Course instructors

Simone Deparis

Maitre d’Enseignement et de Recherche, à l’EPFL depuis 2006. Recherche en analyse numérique et calcul scientifique. Enseignement au niveau BSc et MSc d’algèbre linéaire, analyse numérique, et programmation

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EPFL is the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. The past decade has seen EPFL ascend to the very top of European institutions of science and technology: it is ranked #1 in E…

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