Course Details
Language | English |
Duration | 14 weeks |
Effort | 4-10 hrs/week |
Robotics and AI are all around us and promise to revolutionize our daily lives. Autonomous vehicles have a huge potential to impact society in the near future, for example, by making owning private vehicles unnecessary!
Have you ever wondered how autonomous cars actually work?
With this course, you will start from a box of parts and finish with a scaled self-driving car that drives autonomously in your living room. In the process, you will use state-of-the-art approaches, the latest software tools, and real hardware in an engaging hands-on learning experience.
Self-driving cars with Duckietown is a practical introduction to vehicle autonomy. It explores real-world solutions to the theoretical challenges of autonomy, including their translation into algorithms and their deployment in simulation as well as on hardware.
Using modern software architectures built with Python, Robot Operating System (ROS), and Docker, you will appreciate the complementary strengths of classical architectures and modern machine learning-based approaches. The scope of this introductory course is to go from zero to having a self-driving car safely driving in a Duckietown.
This course is presented by Professors and Scientists who are passionate about robotics and accessible education. It uses the Duckietown robotic ecosystem, an open-source platform created at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and now used by over 150 universities worldwide.
We support a track for learners to deploy their solutions in a simulation environment, and an additional option for learners that want to engage in the challenging but rewarding, tangible, hands-on learning experience of making the theory come to life in the real world. The hardware track is streamlined through an all-inclusive low-cost Jetson Nano-powered Duckiebot kit, inclusive of city track, available here.
This course is made possible thanks to the support of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich), in collaboration with the University of Montreal (Prof. Liam Paull), the Duckietown Foundation, and the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (Prof. Matthew Walter).
After this course, you will be able to program your Duckiebots to navigate (without accidents!) in road lanes of a model city with rubber-duckie-pedestrian-obstacles using predominantly computer vision-based techniques.
Moreover, you will:
Additional goals (require hardware)
Basic Linux, Python, Git:
Elements of linear algebra, probability, and calculus:
Computer with native Ubuntu installation
Module 0: Welcome to the course
Module 1: Introduction to self-driving cars
Module 2: Towards autonomy
Module 3: Modeling and Control
Module 4: Robot Vision
Application: You will develop image processing techniques necessary for visual lane servoing - controlling your Duckiebot to drive within markings
Module 5: Object Detection
Module 6: State Estimation and Localization
Module 7: Planning I
Module 8: Planning II
Module 9: Learning by Reinforcement
Andrea Censi is a senior researcher at ETH Zuric. He obtained a Ph.D. in Control & Dynamical Systems at Caltech in 2012.
Emilio Frazzoli is a professor at ETH Zurich. He works as
Jacopo Tani works as
Andrea Franceso Daniele is a Ph. D. Candidate at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. He works as
Matthew Walter is an assistant professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. He works as
Liam Paull is an assistant professor at Université de Montréal. He works as
Freedom and individual responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit and open-mindedness: ETH Zurich stands on a bedrock of true Swiss values. Our university for science and technology dates back to the year 1855, when the founders of modern-day Switzerland crea…
58 instructors