Education & Teacher Training
Tired of reinventing the wheel for every course you teach? So much of the content for standard courses is essentially the same everywhere in the world. Learn the five R’s of Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix and Redistribute of online learning content.

Course Details

Language English
Duration 4 weeks
Effort 2 hrs/week

Welcome to our MOOC on Open Educational Resource! We hope you will enjoy learning about the concepts behind shared learning content, how to produce it and how to use it. This course has been designed by ETH Zurich and Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW) as part of the swissuniversities P8-project ""Digital Skills Academy.

This MOOC on Open Educational Resources (OER) explores the evolution, application, and challenges of using free and openly accessible educational materials across various educational settings. The course begins by discussing the historical impact of MIT's Open Courseware initiative on traditional education models, highlighting how it prompted a shift toward freely available educational resources over proprietary content. It further examines the mixed success and influence of OERs in transforming higher education, especially during the transformative period of COVID-19, which accelerated the adoption of online resources. The course content covers various aspects of online education, including flipped and blended courses, the integration of diverse educational materials, and the enhancement of accessibility for learners with different needs. It delves into the legalities and ethical considerations surrounding copyright and the use of Creative Commons licenses, emphasizing the balance between sharing knowledge and respecting creators' rights. This MOOC provides a comprehensive overview of how OERs can foster a more inclusive and adaptable educational landscape, equipping learners with the knowledge to effectively use and contribute to open resources in their teaching and learning environments.

What you will learn

  • You will learn how to select and legally use learning content produced by other.
  • You will learn how to produce and publish learning content so others can use it.


Basic computer skills and use of local course management or content-distribution platforms.



  • Week 1: Overview of types and usage scenarios of online course materials
  • Week 2: Basics of copyright and licenses
  • Week 3: Fundamentals of Open Educational Resources
  • Week 4: Potential hurdles and outlook


Course instructors

Gerd Kortemeyer

Gerd Kortemeyer Gerd Kortemeyer is a member of the rectorate of ETH Zurich. His specialist areas are:

  • Usage of technology in STEM education

  • Formative Assessment

  • Learning Content Management

  • Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics

  • AI for Education/li>

In 1…

ETH Zurich

Freedom and individual responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit and open-mindedness: ETH Zurich stands on a bedrock of true Swiss values. Our university for science and technology dates back to the year 1855, when the founders of modern-day Switzerland crea…

65 instructors